Constantly stretching your hamstring but never seems to get any better?
A. Bulgarian Split Squat 6reps each leg; OT2min 10min;@3010
5 Rounds each for time:
Jump Rope 90 seconds @85%
12 Ring Row
12 Bench Dip
rest 2 min
A. Step Back Front Rack Lunges; 6reps each leg; OT2min 10min
5 Rounds each for time and weight:
DU 90 seconds @85%
5 weighted Pull Ups
5 Weighted Dips
rest 2 min
A. Front Squat 2-3reps; OTM 10min; increase load from last week if you completed 30 reps
5 rounds each for time:
Airdyne 90 seconds @85%
5 muscle ups
rest 2 min
Competitor Session 2:
Airdyne 90 seconds @85%
12 CTB pull ups
rest 2 min
x5 sets