Equipment required: Foam roller, light/medium band, light med ball
1) Foam roll pecs 60s each
2) Biphasic Pec Stretch 60s each
3) 3 Rounds of:
– 15 Band Pull-aparts
– 10 Weighted V-ups
– 5 Burpees
3) Close Grip Bench Press:
2 x 3 w. 1s pause halfway down, 1s pause at chest.
Close Grip Bench Press
4 x 5
– build in weight
– Exceed weight by 5# from last week
– Alternate minutes between CGBP and Archer Ring Row
– Last completed 4/6
Archer Ring Row
4 x 6 each arm
– Essentials: 8-12 Ring Rows
– Alternate minutes between Archer Ring Row and CGBP
– Last completed 4/6
Minute 1: 30s Max Push Jerk (135/95)
Minute 2: 30s Max Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
Minute 3: 30s Max T2B
Minute 4: 30s Max Double Unders
– Goal: Very similar to last week with some slight changes. Still break each interval into 2 big sets except for the DUs. Goal is to stay consistent with a tough effort and to tally all reps to compare to next week. Score = total reps.
– Rx+ (155/105)
– Scaled T2B to Straight Leg Raises or Knee Raises, double unders to single under.
100 reps, AFAP.