Equipment Required: foam roller, barbell, light/medium band
1) Foam roll glutes 60s each
2) Worlds Greatest Stretch x 5 reps each side
3) 2 Rounds of:
– 10 Banded Glute Bridges
– 5 Banded Bird Dogs each side
– 10 Barbell Reverse Lunges in place total
– 5 Jump Squats
4) Back Squat w. an empty barbell
1 x 5 with 3s down, 2s hold in the bottom position. Focusing on perfect technique.
Back Squat
1RM in 8 sets.
– goal: 5# PR
– Essentials: 5 x 6. Three warm-up sets
10 Russian KBS – AHAP
20 Walking BW Lunges
– Goal: Hard effort. This looks simple but is NOT easy.
– Time cap = 10:00
3 x 25. Rest 60s