It’s Benchmark Week, so when you come to the gym please get your scorecard from the basket. Please fill out your scorecard and return it to the basket after class each day.
2 Sets
Seated arm wall drag x 10 reps
Can opener stretch x 10 reps
Squat Twist and Reach x 5 reps per side
PVC or Barbell Sots Press x 10 reps
Benchmark Day 2
Power snatch
3 consecutive, in a 30 sec window (not touch and go)
*to move onto a 1 rm this must be performed at or above 50% of body weight
1rm power snatch
* to move on you must be able to have a Power snatch and Overhead squat @ or above 90% of your body weight
1rm squat snatch
Plank x Max Time
*3 or more minutes to move on
Between boxes knee up hold with knees above box height x Max Time
*30 sec or greater to move on
Knee up hold on Parallettes with knees above parallette height x Max Time
*30 sec or greater to move on
L Sit on Par. With legs straight and not touching the ground x Max Time
*30 sec or greater to move on
L Sit on Par. With legs straight and above two 45# plates that are stacked x max time
-Absolute power / Energy system balance test-
4 Sets
Row x 30 sec max meters
Rest x 30 sec