Murph finishers

11 tips for Memorial Day Murph

No Excuses CrossFit is excited to host the Hero Workout ‘Murph’ on Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day. This workout is longer than your typical CrossFit workout, so it’s important to factor other things like nutrition, hydration, and sleep to help you do your best.

We have put together 11 tips to help you be successful on Memorial Day.

Keep in mind, there are scalable options for ‘Murph’ like ‘Half Murph’ or ‘Quarter Murph.’

If you plan on doing the workout with us at No Excuses CrossFit on Monday, May 27, register for the workout in Pike13.

1.) Hydration begins now! Don’t wait until Monday morning to begin preparing.

2.) Eat some carbs Sunday night, but don’t “carb load”. Eat some quality carbs the night before (rice, potatoes, yams) but don’t overdo it. Too many, or eating the bad stuff will mess with your insulin and cause you to crash.

3.) Get extra sleep! 8-10 hours here. Get it.

4.) Eat breakfast. Again, nothing crazy, but eat a fair meal of all the macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates). Oats/Eggs/Berries, Bacon/Sweet Potato, etc.

5.) Warmup! I tend to feel the longer the workout, the shorter the warmup needs to be and vice versa. You’ll get the juices flowing in the first mile, but be sure to activate your shoulders before the Pull-ups and Push-ups!

6.) If you’re wearing a vest and you haven’t before, wear it for your warmup and get used to the breathing. It will be very different!

7.) Set a pace, and don’t race! Find a comfortable pace and keep it. If you redline early, you’ll hate life.

8.) If you don’t protect your hands they will likely tear. If you do protect your hands, they still may tear. Decide now if this is going to stop you or make you a miserably whiney person to workout next to and “do or do not”…

9.) If you have to stop, STOP. Even if it’s temporary. But, if it’s temporary, stay moving and do not let your heart rate plummet.

10.) Refuel afterwards. Drink plenty of water after. Enjoy a carbohydrate based meal.

11.) Remember the man the workout was named for. This workout is tough, but remember the man its named for. This workout isn’t for bragging rights. It’s not a notch on your CrossFit belt. Do not boast because you finished this workout. Take pride only in the fact that an American hero named Michael Murphy gave the ultimate sacrifice as you memorialize him with minor sacrifice.