Equipment Required: Medium band, foam roller, plyo box
1) Foam roll wherever you need it x 60s each side
2) 3 each Spiderman Lunge
3) 3 rounds:
– 5 each Box Step-ups
– 5 each Thoracic Rotations
– 10 Banded Overhead Goodmornings
Every 6:00 x 4
Min 0-2: Max Cal Bike
Min 2-4: Max Turkish Get-ups (53/35)
Min 4-6: Max Box Jumps w Step-down (24/20)
– Goal: Sustainable pace, nasal breathing throughout. Score = How many hours of sleep you got last night.
L3: (44/26)
L2: (35/20)
L1: (26/DB 15) (Turkish Sit-ups) (Box Step-ups)
10:00 easy cardio Bike, Run, Ski, Light Sled Push
– Goal: Easy pace, nasal breathing throughout.
Side Plank with DB external rotation
3 x 8-10 each. Rest 60s.