
Essentials and Fitness:
In 10min Find Your 8 Rep Max Per Leg Bulgarian Split Squat
Tempo 3010

Rest 5min

In 10min Proceed through the following in Order. If unable to accomplish the task with parameters then stop there and record the result.
1.Unweighted Negative Pull Up @ Tempo 31A1; 5 reps for Males / 3 Reps for Females
2.Strict Body Weight Pull Up @ Tempo 3010; 3 reps
3. If Unable to do 1 rep from #2 find a 1RM Weighted Negative Pull Up or all 5/3 reps for #1 then Find a 8RM Barbell Bent Over Row
4. If able to do all 3 reps in #2 then Find a 1RM weighted Pull Up with no specific Tempo

Rest 5min

In 10min Proceed through the following in Order. If unable to accomplish the task with parameters then stop there and record the result.
1.Unweighted Negative Dip @ Tempo 31A1; 5 reps for Males / 3 Reps for Females
2.Strict Body Weight Dip @ Tempo 3010; 3 reps
3.If Unable to do 1 rep from #2  find a 1RM Weighted Negative Dip or all 5/3 reps for #1 then Find a 5RM Height for Incline Push Up
4. If able to do all 3 reps in #2 then Find a 1RM weighted Dip with no specific Tempo

Rest 5min

For an Average of Reps Per Round
Tabata Anchored Sit Up (8 sets; 20sec of work – 10sec of rest)

In 10min Find Your 8 Rep Max Per Leg Bulgarian Split Squat
Tempo 3010

Rest 5min

In 10min Proceed through the following in Order. If unable to accomplish the task with parameters then stop there and record the result.
1.Unweighted Negative Pull Up @ Tempo 31A1; 5 reps for Males / 3 Reps for Females
2.Strict Body Weight Pull Up @ Tempo 3010; 3 reps
3.If Unable to do 1 rep from #2 find a 1RM Weighted Negative Pull Up or all 5/3 reps for #1 then Find a 8RM Barbell Bent Over Row
4. If able to do all 3 reps in #2 then Find a 1RM weighted Pull Up with no specific Tempo

Rest 5min

In 10min Proceed through the following in Order. If unable to accomplish the task with parameters then stop there and record the result.
1.Unweighted Negative Dip @ Tempo 31A1; 5 reps for Males / 3 Reps for Females
2.Strict Body Weight Dip @ Tempo 3010; 3 reps
3.If Unable to do 1 rep from #2  find a 1RM Weighted Negative Dip or all 5/3 reps for #1 then Find a 5RM Height for Incline Push Up
4. If able to do all 3 reps in #2 then Find a 1RM weighted Dip with no specific Tempo

Rest 5min

Toes to Bar Pacer Test
20 Sets for time:
Toes to Bar x 5 unbroken reps
*10min Cap*

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