Wednesday 11.11.20

2 sets
Row x 60 sec easy
Banded clam shell x 10 per side
Banded monster walk x 10 step forward 10 steps backwards
Kettlebell Hammer Grip deadlift + Clean x 5 reps per side

12 min
Build to a heavy power clean complex
Power clean + Hang Power clean Below the knee

3 Sets
Hip Thrust x 5,4,3 reps no tempo
Rest 30 sec
Heavy Russian Kettlebell Swing x 15-20 reps
On the 3 min Marks

5 Sets
V Ups x 7 reps
Deadlift x 5 reps
Side Plank x 10 sec per side
On the 3 min
Deadlift starts at 75% for first set , add 5-10 # per set

12 min
Build to a heavy power clean complex
Power clean + Hang Power clean Below the knee

3 Sets
Hip Thrust x 5,4,3 reps no tempo
Rest 30 sec
Heavy Russian Kettlebell Swing x 15-20 reps
On the 3 min Marks

5 Sets
Toes to Bar x 7 reps
Deadlift x 5 reps
L Sit x 10 sec
On the 3 min
Deadlift starts at 75% for first set , add 5-10 # per set

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