3 Sets
Deadlift x 5 reps
On the 2min Marks
*5sec descent from the top of each rep
Rest 5min
30min AMRAP
Farmers Carry x 50m
Lunge x 50 ft
Row x 10 cal
Overhead KB carry x 50m
V-Up x 5 reps
Bear Crawl x 50ft
Side Plank x 30sec per side
3 Sets
Hang Power Clean x 5 reps
On the 2min Marks
Rest 5min
30min AMRAP
Farmers Carry x 50m 55/35 per hand
Lunge x 50 ft
Row x 10 cal
Overhead KB carry x 50m 35/25 per hand
V-Up x 10 reps
Bear Crawl x 50ft
Side Plank x 60sec per side
3 Sets
Snatch Grip Deadlift x 2 reps
On the 2min Marks
Rest 3min
8min AMRAP
Deadlift x 10 reps 135/95
Box Jump x 15 reps 24/20
Deadlift x 15 reps 185/135
Box Jump x 15 reps 24/20
Deadlift x 20 reps 225/155
Box Jump x 15 reps 24/20
Deadlift x 25 reps 275/185
Box Jump x 15 reps 24/20
Deadlift x 30 reps 315/205
Box Jump x 15 reps 24/20
Deadlift x 35 reps 365/225
Box Jump x 15 reps 24/20
Competitor Session 2:
40min AMRAP
Farmers Carry x 50m 55/35 per hand
Crab walk x 50 ft
Hollow Body Hold x 30 sec
Crab Walk Backwards x 50ft
Row x 10 cal
Overhead DB carry x 50m 45/35 per hand
GHD Sit Up x 10 reps
Bear Crawl x 50ft
Side Plank x 30sec per side
Bear Crawl Backwards x 50ft
Nose to Wall Handstand Hold x 30sec