5 Sets
Deadlift x 7,5,5,3,3 reps
Build in weight
On the 2:30min Mark
15 min AMRAP
Box Dips x 3 reps
Jumping Pull Ups x 5 reps
Dumbbell Power Clean x 5 reps
Wall Walks x 3 reps
Hanging Knee Ups x 5 reps
Dumbbell Power Clean x 5 reps
5 Sets
Deadlift x 7,5,5,3,3 reps
Build in weight
On the 2:30min Mark
15 min AMRAP
Handstand Push Up x 3 reps
Chest to Bar x 5 reps
Dumbbell Power Clean x 5 reps 50/35
Wall Walks x 3 reps
Toes to Bar x 5 reps
Dumbbell Power Clean x 5 reps 50/35
15 min AMRAP
Deficit Handstand Push Up x 3 reps 6/3
Bar or Ring Muscle Up x 3 reps
Dumbbell Power Clean x 5 reps 50/35
Wall Walks x 3 reps
Chest to Bar x 5 reps
Dumbbell Power Clean x 5 reps 50/35
5 Sets
Deadlift x 7,5,5,3,3 reps
Build in weight
On the 2:30min Mark
15 min AMRAP
Parallette Handstand Push Up x 3 reps
Muscle Up x 5 reps
Dumbbell Power Clean x 5 reps 50/35
Wall Walks x 3 reps
Bar Muscle Up x 5 reps
Dumbbell Power Clean x 5 reps 50/35