3 Sets
Box Dips x 8-12 reps
Pike Push up x 4-6 reps
On the 3min
3 Sets
Incline Push Ups x 12 reps
Strict Ring Pull x Amrap unbroken reps
On the 3 min
For time:
Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch x 24 reps
Rest 90 sec
Power Snatch x 16 reps
Rest 90 sec
Overhead Squat x 8 reps
3 Sets
muscle up x 2-3 reps (bar or rings)
Strict Handstand Push up x 4-6 reps as fast as possible
On the 3min
3 Sets
Push Ups x 12 reps
Strict Pull Ups x Amrap unbroken reps
On the 3 min
For time:
Squat Snatch x 12 reps 70%
Rest 90 sec
Squat Snatch x 8 reps 80%
Rest 90 sec
Squat Snatch x 4 reps 90%