Equipment required: Foam roller, medium band
1) Foam Roll Adductors + Quads x 60s each
2) Adductor Rockback Stretch x 60s each side
3) Biphasic Hip Flexor Stretch 60s each side
4) 3 Rounds:
– 10 ft Crab Walk Reverse
– 10 X-Band Walk each
– 100 M Run
With A Partner, Not For Time
500 Meter Sled Drag – moderate
400 Meter Lateral Sled Pull (200m each)
300 Meter Double KB Front Rack Carry
200 Meter Backward Sled Drag
100 Meter Double KB OH Carry
– Goal: Have fun today and work with someone with comparable ability. The sled work should be moderate meaning you can work for big sets ie. 50-100m without stopping.
Accumulate 100 reps. Rest as needed.