At the end of 2016, I turned to my husband and said, ‘We need to make a change.’ We had been going to a gym for about three years, and while I had grown so much during that time, we had both become complacent. My husband was hesitant to leave where we were, but he humored me and said, ‘Sure, let’s try it.’ One thing that I really appreciate about my husband is that he is always willing to try my whims.
In January 2017, we started doing CrossFit. We had heard a lot of things about CrossFit, mostly negative, but we took the leap, together. My first week of classes, my husband was out of the country for work. I remember going to classes and thinking, “I can’t do this. I want to quit. We can just go back to our old gym.”
During those days, I remember him encouraging me over the phone. He urged me to continue, it would get better. He was right.
Now, let’s fast forward to May 2017. I had been doing CrossFit for about 6 months, and while I loved the community, the workouts, and the commitment to fitness, I was not seeing the results I wanted. I knew that nutrition was the missing piece of the puzzle.
At this point, I told my husband that I wanted to change how I was eating. Again, he said, ‘Yes, you can do it.’
I started tracking my food and eating better. At first, I was doing it alone. In the early days, it was hard to see my husband eating a pizza while I ate chicken, vegetables and brown rice. However, I was not going to force my healthy eating on him. I wanted him to make that choice for himself.
A few months later, he did. He saw his body fat increasing, while mine was decreasing. He saw that he wasn’t making the same gains as before. He then made the decision to meet with a Registered Dietitian, and also got on a plan and started tracking his food.
While we had always worked out together, now we also had the same goals for eating. This made it so much easier for us to stay in and cook, instead of going out to our favorite burger place. It made it easier to say no to ordering pizzas. We were each other’s support system and accountability. It is not uncommon in our household to hear, ‘Did you meet your protein goal for today?’
Today, we are a year into CrossFit and we are both eating the healthiest that we ever have. I, personally, am the fittest that I have ever been in my life.
I know that in the long run, there is no way I could have kept up these habits if I did them alone. We both support each other through workouts, ensure that we stay on track with eating, and overall, enjoy the time we spend together at the gym.
For my husband and I, doing this together doesn’t just make us physically stronger, it makes our relationship stronger.
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