3 Sets:
30 sec AB easy
10/side Leg Swings
10 Cat Cows
A. 3 Sets:
Sorenson Hold – Max Hold
5/side Banded Bird Dog
no set rest (whenever GHD is open)
B. Clean Grip DL
3,3,3,3,3 @ 4111
Every 2:30
55-60% of your 1RM Deadlift across
C. 4 Sets:
2min Clock
10 DB Burpees 50/35 /hand
10 Box Jumps 24/20
Max Farmer Carry in remaining time 70/53 /hand
rest 2min
(Carries must be in 50′ segments. 1 Segment = 1 rep)
total combined reps of FC is score.
Can use DBs for carries if needed.
A. 3 Sets:
Sorenson Hold – Max Hold
5/side Banded Bird Dog
no set rest (whenever GHD is open)
B. Clean Grip DL
3,3,3,3,3 @ 4111
Every 2:30
55-60% of your 1RM Deadlift across or lighter loads
C. 4 Sets:
2min Clock
10 Burpees
10 Box Jumps tough height
Max Farmer Carry in remaining time 53/35 /hand
rest 2min
(Carries must be in 50′ segments. 1 Segment = 1 rep)
total combined reps of FC is score.