Friday 10.22.21


Equipment Required: Foam roller, light DBs, medium band

1) Foam Roll Glutes & Hamstrings x 60s each

2) Shin Box + Forward Fold 5 each

3) 3 rounds:

– 5 each Banded Bird Dogs

– 5 each Renegade Rows

– DB Hang Squat Cleans

– 5 DB Thrusters

4) Box Squat w. an empty barbell

1 x 5 w. 3s down focusing on perfect technique


Box Squat

EMOM 8: 3 Reps.

– take 3-4 sets to get warm

– these are speed sets to a parallel box with a wide stance



For time:

30 DB Man Makers (50, 35)

– Goal: Complete a desired amount of work EMOM style – this will be tough any way you slice it!

-TIME CAP = 12:00

L3: (40, 35)

L2: (30, 25)

L1: (20, 10)


Glute Bridge

3 x 8-10. Rest 60s.

– 2 count at top of each rep