Bench Mark
Essentials, Fitness, and Performance:
If 3RM Back Squat is Greater than or Equal to your body weight then…
In 10min Find a 1 Rep Max Power Snatch
If 3RM Back Squat is Less than your body weight then…
In 10min Find a 10 Rep Max Barbell Hip Thrust
Rest 5min
If 3RM Back Squat is Greater than or Equal to your body weight then…
In 10min Find a 1 Rep Max Power Clean
If 3RM Back Squat is Less than your body weight then…
In 10min Find a Max rep Unbroken Russian Kettlebell Swing 35/25…Take as many attempts at this as you want but be smart and don’t wear yourself out with too many attempts
Rest 5min
In 15min Find a 1 Rep Max Front Squat
A. 185# (got 195# for a squat snatch, tried 205# a few times and was close)
B. 245# (got 285# squat clean, tried 295# and missed)
C. 275# (wasn’t really feeling it.)