Monday 4.18.22


Equipment required: Foam roller, light/medium band, light KB, empty barbell

1) Foam Roll Glutes & Hamstrings x 60s each

2) AMRAP 6:

– 2 each Shin Box + Forward Fold

– 5 each Banded Bird Dogs

– 5 each Goblet Reverse Lunges

– 5 KB Squat Jumps

4) Back Squat w. an empty barbell

1 x 5 w. 3s down focusing on perfect technique


Back Squat

1/3 x 6.

– Rest 10s

– 1 Warm-up sets, 3 working sets

– Increase weight from last week


Russian Swings

1/3 x 12. 

– Rest 10s

– 1 Warm-up sets, 3 working sets

– Increase weight from last week


DB Reverse Lunge

1/3 x 24 total.


– 1 Warm-up sets, 3 working sets

– Increase weight from last week


‘Witness The Thiccness’

15/12 Cal Bike

15 Overhead Squats (135/95)

12/9 Cal Bike

12 Overhead Squats

9/6 Cal Bike

9 Overhead Squats

– Goal: HARD effort. OHS should be capable of being done unbroken.

Rx+: (185/125)

L3: (115/75)

L2: (95/65)

L1: (Goblet Squat 35/26)

TIME CAP = 7:00


Single Leg Banded Hamstring Curl

3 x 30 each. Rest 60s