Saturday 1.25.14

A. DB Strict press; 10-12×5; OT3min (15min)
20 min amrap:
5 Ring Pulls
5 Push Ups
10 sit ups
10 seconds side plank per side

A. Strict press; 5-6×5; OT3min (15min)(power clean from ground)
20 min amrap:
5 pull ups
10 Hand Release Push Ups
15 sit ups
20 seconds side plank per side

A. Strict press; 5-6×5; OT3min (15min)(power clean from ground)
20 min amrap:
5/2 unbroken strict pull ups
10/6 HSPU; strict if possible
15 sit ups
20 seconds side plank per side
Competitor session 2:
Muscle ups; 10 for time x3; rest 4 min

1 thought on “Saturday 1.25.14”

  1. Per:
    A. 115,120,125,130,135
    10rd+5 Pull Ups, all strict PU and HSPU
    35sec, 1:15, 3:17-last one was horrible failed about 6-7 reps on the last rep, hit rep 8 at 45sec and then down hill from there.