Part B is inspired by CrossFit HQ’s Support Your Local Box competition. If you want to register and make your score official, you can do so at this link.
3 sets
- Squat Hold x 60 sec
- Child’s Pose x 60 sec
- Cossack Squat x 5 per leg
- Plank Push Up x 10 reps
10min EMOM
1. Flutter Kicks x 30 (15 each leg)
2. Superman x 15
10min AMRAP
10 air squats
9 DB snatches, right arm
10 push ups
9 DB snatches, left arm
Or if you have no equipment at home, do this version.
10min AMRAP
10 air squats
9 No push up burpee
10 push ups
9 No push up burpee