Tuesday 1.21.14

15-20min Hang Snatch technique work
For time:
30 box jumps or Step Ups
30 DB power snatch
20 box jumps or Step Ups
20 DB power snatch
10 box jumps or Step Ups
10 DB power snatch
*DB should increase weight for each different rep range and should alternate arms every rep. The box should stay at the same hight.*

15-20min Hang Snatch technique work
For time:
30 box jumps 20/16
30 power snatch 65/55
20 box jumps 24/20
20 power snatch 85/65
10 box jumps 30/24
10 power snatch 115/75

A. Snatch x1 OTM 15min 80-90% of 1RM
For time:
10 box jumps 20″/16
30 power snatch 115/55
20 box jumps 24″/20
20 power snatch 135/75
30 box jumps 30″/24
10 power snatch 165/105
Competitor session 2:
Male: MU OTM working down from 6 rep to 1 and then back up again. Example: min1=6reps, min2=5reps, ….min6=1rep,…min11=5reps, and min12=6reps.
Female: MUx1 OTM 12min

3 thoughts on “Tuesday 1.21.14”

  1. Per:
    A. 195×8 2miss, 200×7 1miss
    B. 11:50, last 30 box jumps were horrible, did 10×165 in about 1:40
    MU all UB