Tuesday 12.31.13

As the year ends, I want to personally thank each and every one of you awesome athletes for being apart of No Excuses CrossFit!  You all have impacted my life in such amazing ways and I am inspired by all of your hard work, dedication to each other and to yourselves and for the unrelenting pursuit of elite fitness that each of you display each time you step foot into the gym.  Thank you for all that you are!!

To show a little bit of my gratitude for you all, I would like to share an exercise that I am currently going through in my life. Its been a recent practice of mine to reflect on the years events by making a list of the people I am grateful for, the things I am grateful for and all the other blessings that God has brought into my life.  This exercise alone has done great things for me internally, my “private world” and has impacted my health more than I can explain.  I encourage you all to take a moment and be grateful for each day you get to spend on this earth.  For those that want to take a few steps more and plan for the New Year, I have attached some links to some worksheets that were given to me by my mentor, Bill Watkins.  These have helped guide me into reflecting on the past year and planning for the New Year.  This end of the year review has surely impacted my life in wonderful ways and I hope it may do the same for you! The A-Team (Awesome Team) and I at No Excuses CrossFit are excited to serve this amazing community in 2014! Its going to be the best year yet for all of us!

Be Blessed, Be Fit,

Coach Ben Davis

Gratitude Assessment (3)

(2014)Template year end reflection (2) (2)

Core Values Assessment

Template Annual Passion Worksheet 030901 (3)

Watch This!

A. Ring Rows; 10-15 @Tempo 30×1 OT 3min for 15min
4 rounds for time:
Row 750m
20 American Kettle Bell Swings

A. Weighted Pull ups or Negatives; @Tempo 30×1 4-5 OT 3min for 15min
4 rounds for time:
Row 750m
20 DB snatch 55/35 (10/arm alt each rep)

A. Weighted lean away Pull ups; 4-5 OT 3min for 15min
4 rounds for time:
Row 750m
20 DB snatch 70/55 (10/arm alt each rep)
Extra After Class:
Bent over barbell rows; 6-8×5; rest 2 min

1 thought on “Tuesday 12.31.13”

  1. P
    A.yah, weight wasn’t happening 5 reps all
    18:45 RX, rows were horrible averaged 2:10 on 500m split