4 Sets
Ring Pulls x 12 reps
Single Arm DB Bent Over Row x 3-5 reps per arm
On the 2:30min Mark
4 sets
Shoulder Press x 4 reps
Parrelette Dips x 6 reps
On the 2:30min Marks
3 Rounds For Time:
Row 18 cal
Incline Push Ups x 15 reps
Single Arm DB Shoulder to Overhead x 12 reps per arm
Ring Pulls x 9 reps
Burpees x 7 reps
4 Sets
Strict Pull Ups x 3-5 reps
Kipping Pull Ups x 4-7 reps UB
On the 2:30min Mark
4 sets
Shoulder Press x 4 reps
Dips x 5-8 reps
On the 2:30min Marks
3 Sets
Row 18 cal
Push Ups x 15 reps
Single Arm DB Shoulder to Overhead x 12 reps per arm 45/25
Burpee Pull Ups x 9 reps
HSPU x 7 reps
4 Sets
Push Jerk+Split Jerk Cluster x 1.1+1.1
On the 2:30min Mark Rest 20sec between Reps
*Keep this moderate and smooth, that means nothing over 85%
4 sets
Shoulder Press x 4 reps
Hand Stand Hold x 60sec (switch Nose to wall and heels to wall on each round)
On the 2:30min Marks
3 Sets
Ski or Row 20 cal
Ring Dips x 9 reps
Single Arm DB Shoulder to Overhead x 15 reps per arm 55/35
Strict L-Sit Pull Ups x 9 reps
Strict HSPU x 20 reps
Competitor Session 2:
6min AMRAP
Bar Muscle Ups x 3 Unbroken Reps
10min EMOM
Odd: Strict Chest to Bar x 3 + Kipping Chest to Bar x 5 UB
Even: Thruster x 5 reps 110/70
A. 5/7 all four sets
B. 115, 125, 135, 145# ( 3 reps on last set)
C. 16:22 Rx