Wednesday 6.23.21


Equipment Required: foam roller, jump rope

1) Foam roll Quads 60s each

2) 3 Spiderman Lunge each

3) 3:00 Jump Rope practice

4) “Rowling”

– Groups of 2, 1 partner rows as close as possible to 100 Meters (cannot be under 100). Fore each Meter over 100, partner 2 does that many Air Squats and Burpees)


EMOM 20:

ODD Minutes: 15 Calorie Row

EVEN Minutes: 50 Double Unders

– Goal: Challenging pace, complete all work within 30-40s. This workout should be tough – scale calories and DU if needed.

– Scale calories to 12 calories and DU to 30 DU attempts


Glute March

50 total reps. Rest as needed.