Results For Category: "Spotlight Athlete"
Athlete Spotlight: Jeff Hull
Name:Jeff Hull Age:44 Occupation:Sales Hometown:Masterton, New Zealand Which class time do you usually attend? 4pm Favorite WOD: Murph, or any of the hero…
Athlete Spotlight: Martha Raber
Name:Martha Raber Age:38 Occupation:Manager, Enterprise Risk Services Hometown:Up North, where the white stuff accumulates and temperatures drop to crazy lows….
Athlete Spotlight: Bond Nguyen
Name: Bond Nguyen Age:49 Occupation:Assembly Structure Hometown:Saigon Viet Nam Which class time do you usually attend? Five PM Favorite WOD: AMRAP Favorite CF…
Athlete Spotlight: Haja Donzo
Name: Haja Matasha Donzo Age: 25 Occupation: Student Hometown: Monrovia, Liberia Which class time do you usually attend? 7pm Favorite WOD:…
Athlete Spotlight- Mary Beth Krone
Name:Mary Beth Krone Age:54 Occupation:Intelligence Analyst at the FBI Hometown: Gainesville, Georgia Which class time do you usually attend? 7:00 pm Favorite…
Athlete Spotlight: Cris Burgum
Name: Cris Burgum Age:49 Occupation:Trucking/Logistics Hometown:Detroit, MI Which class time do you usually attend? A couple times but mostly in the evenings….
Athlete Spotlight: Kat Yanes
Name:Kathleen aka Kat Age:20 Occupation:Pharmacy Tech/Nursing Student Hometown:Duluth Which class time do you usually attend?I love the 9:30am (shout out to Erick),…
Spotlight Athlete: Pete Sereno
Name:Pete Sereno Age:42 Occupation:Financial Planner Hometown:Originally from Pittsburgh, grew up in South Florida Which class time do you usually attend?6…
Athlete Spotlight: Samantha Spell
Name:Samantha Spell-Goade Age:52 Occupation:Nurse Practitioner Hometown:Atlanta, GA Which class time do you usually attend?Anyone I can get to! Favorite WOD:Anything with…
Athlete Spotlight: Emily Stalling
Name:Emily Stalling Age:22 Occupation:Dental assistant Hometown:Suwanee Which class time do you usually attend?4 Favorite WOD: N/a Favorite CF Movement: Power clean Least Favorite CF…