Results For Category: "Workout of the Day (WOD)"

Monday 6.5.17

BENCH MARK’s Essentials/Fitness/Performance: A. In 12min Find Your 3 Rep Max Back Squat Rest 5min B. If 3RM Back Squat is Greater…

Saturday 6.3.17

Essentials: A. 25min AMRAP Teams of 3-4 people Each teammate must complete the whole rounds by themself before switching Row x 7…

Friday 6.2.17

Essentials: A. 12min EMOM 1. Hip Thrust x 10 reps 2. Side Plank x 25 sec per side 3. Arch Lifts x…

Thursday 6.1.17

Essentials: A. 16min EMOM 1. Rope Sit to Stand x 3 rep 2. Row x 10 cal B. Mobility Puppy Dog x…

Wednesday 5.31.17

Essentials: A. 12min EMOM 1. Single Arm Overhead Step Back Lunge x 4 rep per arm 2. Snatch Grip RDL x 5…

Tuesday 5.30.17

Essentials: A. 15min EMOM 1. Dumbbell Front Rack Step Ups x 8 reps 2. Dumbbell Front Rack Step Ups x 8 reps…

Monday 5.29.17

Memorial Day Murph Who is Murph? In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan…

Saturday 5.27.17

Essentials: A. 3 Sets Tempo Ring Pulls x 12-14 reps 51×1 3 Sets Tempo Incline Push Ups x 12-14 reps 51×1 On…

Friday 5.26.17

Essentials: A. 5 Sets Barbell On Back Step Back Lunge x 5 reps per leg On the 2:30 min Or ADAPT B….

Thursday 5.25.17

Essentials: A. Teams of 3-4 people 3 Rounds For Total reps Wall Balls x 1min Thruster x 1min Med Ball Clean x…