Results For Category: "Workout of the Day (WOD)"
Around the Whiteboard: Kim Barb
Time to go Around the Whiteboard with Kim Barb
Wednesday 8.26.15
Essentials: A. 4 Sets Snatch Grip RDL + Snatch Grip Bent Over Row x 8+5 reps On the 2:30min or ADAPT B….
Tuesday 8.25.15
Essentials: A. 4 Sets PVC or Training Bar Overhead Squat x 10-15 reps On the 2:30min Marks B. 5 Sets Pausing (3sec)…
No Excuses draws large crowd for Hugo Open
SUWANEE — No Excuses CrossFit hosted the second annual Hugo Open, an in-house competition for its members on Saturday. The competition had…
Monday 8.24.15
Essentials A. Push Press ; 12min to Build to a Heavy 5 rep B. 4 Sets Press x 7, 5, 4, 3…
Saturday 8.22.15
Hugo Open Wod 1 Scaled: 5min AMRAP 4 person Syncro Sit Ups x 7 reps 4 Person Syncro Squats x 7 reps…
Friday 8.21.15
Essentials: A. 5 Sets Front Squat x 10,8,6,6,4 reps Tempo 55×1 On the 3min B. 7min AMRAP Dumbbell Front Squat x 7…
Thursday 8.20.15
Essentials: A. 12min to work on Handstands or Handstand Push Up Technique B. 25min Run x 200 meters Farmers walk x 50…
Wednesday 8.19.15
Essentials: A. 4 Sets Romanian Deadlift x 8 reps On the 2:30min Marks or ADAPT B. 4 Sets Each For Time: Kettlebell…
ADAPT program openings
No Excuses CrossFit’s Advanced Development and Personalized Training (ADAPT) program has helped people make tremendous progress since it started in 2016. We are…