2012 Titin Performance Paleo Challenge Kick Off
Performance WOD:
8 minute AMRAP
60m farmers carry (30m down, 30m back) 70/55 Rx’d and 55/35 Scaled
10 ball slams (50/35 Rx’d and 25/15 scaled)
10 Burpees jumping on a 20inch box Rx’d and 45lb plate scaled
Details for Challenge:
No Excuses’ Summer Paleo Performance Challenge kicks off after Memorial Day weekend. This challenge will be different from previous challenges. There will be no body fat test, it’s all performance based. That’s right, who can get the most work done during a WOD? This challenge will be tough with school being out, summer vacations, cookouts, etc. But this is a chance to change some of your eating habits for six weeks. Eat Paleo and you’ll see a direct correlation with your performance in the gym. See below for details about challenge. Note: We are planning to have a more detailed challenge in the Fall with Bodyfat measurements, pictures, circumference measurements, etc.
How long is the challenge?
Tuesday, May 29 through Tuesday, July 10 (That’s six weeks of good clean Paleo eaten’)
When and where is the post challenge party?
Sunday, July 15 at Will Johnson’s house in Suwanee. It’s about 10 minutes from the gym. This is also the final day of the CrossFit Games and we’ll be watching the finals at his place.
What’s the WOD?
8 minute AMRAP
60m farmers carry (30m down, 30m back) 70/55 Rx’d and 55/35 Scaled
10 ball slams (50/35 Rx’d and 25/15 scaled)
10 Burpees jumping on a 20inch box Rx’d and 45lb plate scaled
How is the challenge scored?
You’ll get a point for each rep you complete. For the farmers carry, you’ll get a point for every 10 meters to complete.
For example, if you got five full rounds plus the farmers carry and 1 ball slam, your score would be 137.
You get 26 points for each completed round. For this example, you would get an additional six points for the farmers carry and one more point for the ball slam, so a score of 137.
We’ll do the WOD again in six weeks and see whose work output increased.
Are there divisions?
Yes, there’s a Rx’d and scaled division. The scaled division is encouraged for Basics members, but anyone can do it.
What’s the cost?
$15 US dollars (no Pesos, Canadian coins or Euros) This helps pay for the prizes and post challenge party. The last challenge we had prizes from Paleo Comfort Foods, Olympic rings, gift certificate from Stronger, Faster, Healthier and Titin Tech.
Will you have a Facebook page?
Yes, there will be a Facebook page to share recipes, photos of food, ask questions, post links, give encouragement to members.
How do I join the challenge?
Pay the entry fee (pay any of the Coaches when you come in to WOD), join the Facebook page, do the challenge WOD on Tuesday, May 29.
Still have questions about the challenge?
E-mail coach Brandon at brandon@noexcusescrossfit.