Results For Category: "Fitness Blog"

Who We Are: The CrossFit Ethos

The CrossFit ethos was born out of what we do and how we do it. We say: You just have to show…

Spirit of the Open 23.1: Stephanie Cardenas

Each year at the CrossFit Games, they honor someone with the Spirit of the Games award. This honor goes to the ‘athlete who embodies…

CrossFit Kids at No Excuses CrossFit

CrossFit Kids is a health and fitness program for both boys and girls ages 5 to 11 of all skill and activity…

You belong at No Excuses CrossFit

CrossFit welcomes and unites people of all ages, abilities, and goals around a methodology that is accessible and effective for all. We…

The CrossFit Open begins on Friday!

The CrossFit Open starts on Friday! Did you know it’s No Excuses’ 13th year in the open?

The CrossFit Methodology Drives Unparalleled Results

Our methodology is the driver of our unparalleled results, or what we call efficacy. What this means is: CrossFit actually makes people…

Do you have a goal?

Do you have a goal? It could be to lose weight, get stronger, learn a new skill. But the first step to…