Results For Category: "Fitness"

Why your significant other must be bought in

At the end of 2016, I turned to my husband and said, ‘We need to make a change.’ We had been going…

How to Save Your Fruits and Veggies

We have all been there — you are super excited to start eating healthier so you go out and buy tons and…

Progress Is Not A Straight Line

There are two misconceptions about losing weight and eating healthy in the long term that can be mentally challenging to overcome. 1….

Healthy Substitutions Make Eating Right Easy

One of my least favorite questions from anyone is, “are you on a diet?” As much as I try to give a…

Taking the long-term approach when it comes to nutrition

Taking a long-term approach to improving our nutrition means we have intent, objectives, goals and a mission to accomplish not only short-term…

The Basics of Marinating

Do you find yourself cooking the same things over and over, with little variations to seasonings or flavors? A great way to…

Play the Hand You are Dealt

Prior to his death, Randy Pausch gave a lecture entitled “Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams”, also referred to as “The Last Lecture.”…

Expecting Instant Results? You Are Setting Yourself Up For Failure.

“10 lbs in 2 weeks.” “Drop 3 dress sizes in one month.” “Your dream body instantly.” We have been conditioned to believe…

What impact does alcohol have on our goals?

Do you have a goal of weekly exercise routine with eating healthy? Have you noticed there are many obstacles in the way?…

Finding that internal motivation

If you are reading this, chances are you are a fitness addict. You live to workout and you workout to live. You…