Fun times for Halloween 2013 at No Excuses this year.
A. 5 Russian KBS (moderate to heavy) on the 45 sec for 12 sets.
10-8-6-4-2 Front squats 95#/65# (heels on 10# plates)
Pull ups
rest 12 min
30-20-10 reps for time:
Wall balls (15/10#)
Abmat sit-ups
A. Power snatch – 5 tng reps on on the 45 seconds for 12 sets @ 75#/55#. (15 min total)
10-8-6-4-2 reps for time:
Front squats 155#/95#
Pull ups,
rest 12 min (walk or just stay moving)
35-25-15 reps for time:
Wall balls (20#/15#)
knees to elbow
A. Squat snatch; 5 TnG reps on the 45 seconds for 12 sets @95#/65#
B. 10-8-6-4-2 reps for time:
Front squats 185#/115#
CTB chin ups
rest 12 min
35-25-15 reps for time:
Wall balls (20#/15#)
knees to elbow
A. Squat snatch; 5 TnG reps on the 45 seconds for 12 sets @95#/65#
B. 10-8-6-4-2 reps for time:
Thrusters 135#/95#
CTB chin ups
rest 12 min
35-25-15 reps for time:
Wall balls (30#/15#)
knees to elbow
Notes from the coaches:
TnG = touch and go. Don’t drop bar. Reset at the hip each rep.
We are working on analysis of this past weeks assessments and will be contacting those who need to move in their programming. For now, please follow what you have been doing until you are contacted. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me as soon as possible.
Many of you PR’d and are developing very well in many areas of your fitness. For those that aren’t and want to sit with me, Ben, to discuss what may be causing no strength or power gains please email me to set up a time to talk. (
We are working on developing strength in the upper body pull (getting those pull-ups dialed in) and push as well as developing the posterior chain strength and endurance in this next phase of programming. Hope you all enjoy your training! Please remember to sleep well, drink plenty of water and eat well.
Be Blessed, Be Fit