What if your mind and body worked together?
Your body loves adversity. Your body evolves. When it has to work harder, it gets stronger. When it has to process food more quickly, your metabolism ramps up. When it feels starved, it ramps up your metabolism. When there’s some extra in the pantry, your body stores it for a rainy day. When it’s cold, […]
Embracing Health: Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Fitness Enthusiasts
As you embark on the journey into the New Year, remember that adopting a healthier lifestyle is a gradual process. These resolutions are not just about a quick fix but about sustainable changes that lead to long-term health benefits. Tailor these resolutions to fit your lifestyle and preferences, and don’t hesitate to seek professional guidance […]
10 Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Fitness Enthusiasts
The holiday season is upon us, and if you’re scrambling to find the perfect gift for the fitness aficionado in your life worry not! Here are 10 last-minute gift ideas that cater to their passion for health, wellness, and staying active. When selecting a gift, consider their specific fitness interests and needs. Whether they’re into […]
Snatch and clean clinic coming in January!
No Excuses CrossFit is excited to host a snatch and clean clinic on Saturday, January 13 and 20 from 10-11:30am. We will do the snatch clinic on January 13 and the clean clinic on January 20. Each clinic is designed to help you improve in both lifts, whether you are new to weightlifting or a […]
Grocery store hacks that add up to huge savings
If you’re worried about restricting yourself to a diet of canned beans and noodles due to rising food costs, you’re not alone. A recent study conducted by Morning Consult reported that 53 percent of American survey respondents have changed their food and beverage intake as a result of inflation. Costs are rising, but you still […]
Any goal is a good goal
What’s your goal? It doesn’t have to be to win the Olympics, win a marathon, or even finish a marathon. It doesn’t have to be to lose 50lbs, or 20lbs, or 5. It doesn’t have to be a big deadlift or a CrossFit Games ticket or 5% body fat. But it should be something. A […]
Getting your life on track
Maybe you’ve heard the phrase, “When you work out, your whole life works out!” And maybe exercise doesn’t fix everything, but it can sure feel that way. Exercise makes you more confident. Exercise makes you calm. Exercise helps you think more clearly. Exercise increases memory storage AND recall. Exercise helps you focus. Exercise makes you […]
The secret to fitness success
It’s not the newest workout. It’s not the hardest workout. It’s not the newest diet. It’s not that TV reality show (lol). The secret to fitness success is MOMENTUM. Doing a little bit, every day, and not stopping. Today, I’m going to tell you how to do it! One workout will make you sore. Ten […]
Planning Smart: Your Key to Maintaining Progress During the Holidays
‘Tis the season of joy, laughter, and, let’s be honest, an abundance of irresistible holiday treats. As the calendar flips towards festive gatherings, it’s crucial to approach this time with a plan that aligns with your fitness goals. While indulging in holiday delights is part of the merriment, strategic planning can make all the difference. […]
Athlete Spotlight: Josh Carper
Name: Josh Carper Age: 41 Occupation: Sales Hometown: Charleston, WV Which class time do you usually attend?: depends on the day 🙂 Favorite WOD: too many to pick. Barbara, Cindy, Max KB snatches in 5 min Favorite CF Movement: Back Squat Least Favorite CF Movement: Deadlift 3RM Back Squat: No clue. Don’t do it enough. […]