It’s July!! Can’t believe 2013 is halfway over!
1. Back Squat 3×5 @ 3010 – rest 90 sec
2. Hang Power Snatch EMOM for 6 min – reps 4-5. This should be really light, focusing on technique only.
3. 3-4 sets:
10-15 reps TnG Push Press
10 Strict Pull ups (scale with bands)
rest 2-3 min
4. AirDyne/Row/Run Sprints:
15-20 sec max
rest 2-3 min x 3
*Sprint as hard/far as you can for 15-20 sec, rest 2-3 minutes
PLEASE mark your calendars for the 13th of July! 10 am – 12 pm “1st No Excuses Town Hall Meeting”. We will be discussing new changes and informing everyone of very important information that pertains to your fitness and daily participation in the great community that we all love! You don’t want to miss this! Participation by each and every member is very important. Thanks! – Coach Ben Davis.
Excellent program today. This was fun!