Results For Category: "Workout of the Day (WOD)"

Friday 5.27.16

Essentials A. 4 Sets 5 Muscle Cleans + 5 Hang Power Cleans + 5 Front Squats + 5 Push Jerks Start with…

Thursday 5.26.16

Essentials: A. Mobility Standing Straddle x 1min Lizard Right x 2min Lizard Left x 2min Seated Straddle x 2min Saddle x 2min…

Wednesday 5.25.16

Essentials: A. 3 Sets Sled Pull x 75 meters On the 3min B. 4 Sets Stiff Leg Deadlift x 3 reps On…

Tuesday 5.24.16

Essentials: A. 4 Sets Bar Row x Max Unbroken reps (Adjust feet and Bar to where you can get no more than…

Monday 5.23.16

Essentials: A. 4 Sets Elevated Heels Overhead Squat x 10 reps (Pause 1-2 sec a bottom) On the 2:30min Mark Or ADAPT…

Saturday 5.21.16

Essentials: A. 5 Sets Push Jerk 7 reps On the 2min B. 3 Sets Chin Over Bar Hold x 10 sec Ring…

Friday 5.20.16

Essentials: 4 Sets Thruster x 5 reps *Build in Weight each set *Can Use Rack On the 2:30min Or ADAPT B. 3…

Thursday 5.19.16

Essentials: A. Puppy Dog x 2min Pigeon Right x 2min Pigeon Left x 2min Archer in Saddle Right x 1min Archer in…

Wednesday 5.18.16

Essentials: A. 10 min EMOM Vertical Med Ball Underhand Throw x 5 reps B. 8min Deadlift Build to 85% for a single…

Tuesday 5.17.16

Thank you to everyone that has already donated to the North Gwinnett Co-Op food sponsor. We still have two weeks to help…